If it were not for my Simms clothing I would have been miserable! My only grief was ice forming on my guides, though how bad of a day can you be having if this is your only problem? A long pothole riddled dirt road took us to the meadows section of this creek. This stretch of water was out of a storybook, a trout storybook. In fact I may read the book Trout Magic, by John D. Voelker again, with these images in mind. Again we were fishing nymphs under indicators. Ben introduced me to a new type of indicator, The Thingamabobber! I was hesitant to try it but it is now my new indicator. Simply, it casts well, it floats well, readjusts well, and is easy to put on and take off. It comes in three sizes and a hand full of colors. What more could anyone ask?

Ben and I leapfrogged up stream from pool to run. Much of the fishing was working obvious trout lies, but Ben was sharp enough to spot a few that we sight casted to. The nice brown trout above was on a redd (bed) when I spotted it. On my second drift it was on. I was pretty excited to say the least, and you know the rest. It was hard to leave this place knowing that the next few days were going to be clear and that there was much productive water that we hadn’t covered. That was my first of what hopefully will be more visits here.
By the way, I mostly fished a stone fly nymph and a copper john, in case you were wondering.
By the way, I mostly fished a stone fly nymph and a copper john, in case you were wondering.