During this week of unbelievable weather Brady and I took back to back trips, one to Port Aransas and one back to the Medina River. On the Port A. trip Brady and I tried some near by rigs outside the jetties. Well, it didn’t take long for Brady to projectile vomit his two Whataburger bacon and egg tacos. Yummy! I trolled a lure on a spinning rod while circling two different rigs. No fish seen and no hits on the lure. The gulf was choppy and the current was rippin’. At the jetties there were bait fishermen doing well but our flies and lures were not near as productive. Plan C was to check out some shorelines on the back side of St. Joe Island and that turned out pretty well. Near Mud Island we found a wadable flat and we were on fish immediately. I was a little burned out by the failed plans A and B so I thought I’d just throw the spinning rod. That turned out well and a lot less effort than the fly rod. I can’t get over the versatility of this ultra-lite G. Loomis rod I’ve been using. It’s a 3 piece, 6’3’’, 2-6 pound line, 1/32-1/4 ounce lure weight, medium fast action, Escape series spinning rod. It normally retails for$310. A little pricy but its quality is hard to match.

This morning I had the idea that we were going to stick to walking/wading the riverbed and do a little exploring. This I've done on a lot of Texas rivers, with the headwaters of the Guadalupe near Hunt being my favorite and the upper Nueces a close second. The land owners on the lower Medina however keep their river under lock and key. You are likely to have your vehicle towed, be shot at, or have the local law waiting for you somewhere when you venture out this way. Brady and I had to abandon our plan A and revisit more familiar water on the river as a plan B. We still did pretty well but no new water tapped.

This morning I had the idea that we were going to stick to walking/wading the riverbed and do a little exploring. This I've done on a lot of Texas rivers, with the headwaters of the Guadalupe near Hunt being my favorite and the upper Nueces a close second. The land owners on the lower Medina however keep their river under lock and key. You are likely to have your vehicle towed, be shot at, or have the local law waiting for you somewhere when you venture out this way. Brady and I had to abandon our plan A and revisit more familiar water on the river as a plan B. We still did pretty well but no new water tapped.