This shot reminds me of when I was a kid; I thought the gill rakers looked like a bear trap ready to spring. Hey, is that a hair bug in there? Watch out little guy! (By the way, did everyone know that if you click the image, you open the full size file?).
I was sure to thank HG Lehman for inviting me out to the lake this week. I needed to wet a line badly. It's an addiction I'm told. I hooked HG up with a "fire sale" on bait casting rods a few months ago, and even though I got some dear sausage out of that visit, I was hopping he would call me sometime with an invite to the lake. It was overcast and windy this particular day, but I was able to do the job with my custom 6wt GLX. The only deer hair flies I seem to be throwing these days are from my buddy Chip, naturally. I went with a popper, over the vast diver selection I've acquired lately. I know I keep saying this, but I can't wait to throw these new bugs at redfish. I will try to make a saltwater trip happen soon. It has been way too long. The weather is looking "ify" for next week.